Freeze-Dried Variety Pack Instant Miso Soup
Enjoy our signature freeze-dried miso soup in the variety pack
- 5 flavors– 10 services of Deep fried Nasu eggplants, Fried Bean Curd, Tofu, Green Onion, and vegetables.
- Less Sodium Packs are available.
- Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
Click the link and buy one today!
Okawari Miko-Chan
A new variety pack of our instant miso soup paste.
- Okawari Miko-chan – 4 services of instant miso soup, tofu(2) and green onion(2).
- Okawari Miko-chan – 4 servings of instant miso soup, fried bean curd(2) and Wakame seaweed(2)
- Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
- Net Weight 2.98oz (84.6g)
Click the link and buy one today!
Additive-Free Miso Paste
Use authentic Miko-brand Miso Paste
- Additive-free (No Preservatives)
- Great for adding unique flavor, making dressings
- Make authentic miso soup
- Koji Miso – Soybean Paste –
Made from
Japanese rice
Japanese soybeans
Japanese salt - Low Sodium Miso Soybean Paste –
Click the link and buy one today!
Koji Miso –
Soybean Paste

Low Sodium Miso
Soybean Paste

- Aka(Red) – Soybean Paste –
- Made from
Japanese soybean - Made in Tomegama(pot)
- Shiro (White) – Soybean Paste –
Japanese soybea
Aka (Red) Miso Paste

Shiro (White) Miso Paste

Toku 20 Value Pack
Our famous miso soups are now available in value pack with awase(mixed miso), less sodium or vegetable flavor packages.
- Toku 20 Value Pack Awase – 20 services of Tofu, Wakame ,Green Onion, Spinach, and Fried Bean Curd with 3 different type of dash tastes.
- Taku 20 Value Pack Less Sodium – 20 servings of Tofu, Wakame ,Green Onion, Spinach, and Fried Bean Curd miso soup with 3 different type of dash tastes.. (30% less sodium comparing to Toku 30 value pack)
- Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
Click the link and buy one today!
Shijimi Freshwater Clam Miso Soup
Enjoy our authentic Miso soup with full flavor!
- 12 servings of Shijimi Freshwater Clam with two great flavors!
- 12 servings of Shijimi Freshwater Clam Less Sodium (30% less sodium comparing to our original product)
- Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
Freeze Dried Instant Miso Soup
Enjoy healthy Miso soup in 5 seconds. All the stuff is inside of this magic cube. All you need is just hot water and a cup! For nutrition facts and details
Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
What is the difference between Authentic and Vegetarian?
Authentic soup comes with traditional dash broth including bonito. Vegetariansoup contains only vegetable-based dash broth.
8 Serving Instant Miso Soups
Would you like to enjoy Authentic Japanese Miso soups? Try our 8 value pack series. They come with different kinds of garnish. Just put them in the a small soup cup and pour hot water.
Non-GMO soybeans, No saturated fat, no cholesterol
Commercial Miso Paste
Now available our popular miso paste for the commercial package.
These products are available for institutional use only. For quantity and more details, please click the button below to search for a wholesaler near you.
#27802 Soybean Paste “AKA MISO”

#27801 Soybean Paste “Shiro MISO”

#26578 Soybean Paste “Awase MISO”

Commercial Miso Paste (35.2 oz)
Commercial Miso Pastes are available in smaller packages
If you have questions about these packages, please contact the wholesaler by clicking the link below.
Net Weight : 35.2 oz (2 lb 3.2 oz) – 1 kg

Masumi Japanese Sake
Masumi sake is at heart a product of our place and the people who live here. That place is known as Shinshu Suwa, a highland basin surrounded by the Yatsugatake “Eight Peaks” Range, Mount Tateshina, and the Kirigamine Highlands. Our sake benefits directly from the region’s clean air, pure water, and long cold winters. Beyond what’s good for the sake, we take great pride in all else Suwa has to offer: cool, dry summers, natural hot springs, the basin’s crown jewel Lake Suwa, and the unique festivals, shrines, and ruins that date from the dawn of Japan’s history. Click the logo below to learn More about Masumi Japanese Sake.
For more details about Masumi Japanese Sake,
please visit our official website.
To purchase Masumi Japanese Sake online in the U.S,
check out
Do you want to know where you can drink or buy them?
Click the link button, select a sake and click “More info” Click Restaurant Guide or Retail Guide.